Okay, so today I messed around with trying to make a simple volleyball game, inspired by “hisker volleyball”. I didn’t really know where to start, so I just jumped right in.

First Steps: Getting a Ball Moving
First things first, I needed a ball. I used a simple sphere for that, obviously. Then, I messed with the physics, you know, gravity and bounciness. It took some time and a lot of trial and error. It bounced too much in the begginning.
Player Control: Simple, but it Works
Next up, the player! I just wanted some basic movement, left and right, and a jump. I slapped together some code. It’s not fancy, but you can move and kinda hit the ball.
Making the Ball Do Volleyball Things
- I spent a good chunk of time trying to get the ball to react to hits.
- I wanted it to go up and over, like a real volleyball.
- It’s still a bit wonky, sometimes the ball just goes straight through the player, which is hilarious but not ideal.
After that, I added a net.It looks pretty simple. It is just a wall in the midlle.
The “AI” (If You Can Call It That)
I even tried to add a super basic “AI” opponent. It just moves back and forth randomly. It doesn’t really try to hit the ball, but hey, it’s * looks really stupid.
So, that’s my “hisker volleyball” game experiment. It’s super rough, but it was fun to make. I definitely learned a lot about how tricky game physics can be. Maybe I’ll try to polish it up sometime, but for now, it’s just a silly little thing I built.